Senate Democratic Policy Committee

The United States Senate Democratic Policy Committee is responsible for the creation of new United States Democratic Party policy proposals, supporting Democratic senators with legislative research, developing reports on legislation and policy, conducting oversight hearings, monitoring roll call votes, differentiating between Democratic and Republican positions, and building party unity.

The committee was established in 1947, by an act signed by President Harry S. Truman, alongside its Republican counterpart. From 1947 to 2000, the Democratic leader was also the policy committee chairman. From 1989 to 1999, there was a co-chairman. Starting in 1999, the co-chairman was dropped and the position of policy committee chairman became a separate position elected by the Senate Democratic Caucus. The committee chairman is a member of the Democratic party leadership of the United States Senate.

List of Democratic Policy Committee Chairman in the United States Senate

Dates Name State Notes
1947-1949 Alben W. Barkley Kentucky Also Democratic floor leader
1949-1951 Scott W. Lucas Illinois Also Democratic floor leader
1951-1953 Ernest W. McFarland Arizona Also Democratic floor leader
1953-1961 Lyndon Johnson Texas Also Democratic floor leader
1961-1977 Mike Mansfield Montana Also Democratic floor leader
1977-1989 Robert Byrd West Virginia Also Democratic floor leader
George J. Mitchell Maine Also Democratic floor leader
Tom Daschle South Dakota
Also Democratic floor leader
Harry Reid Nevada
1999-2011 Byron Dorgan North Dakota  
2011-present Chuck Schumer New York Also Vice Chairman of the Senate Democratic Caucus


Senator State
  Chuck Schumer, Chairman New York
  Jack Reed, Regional Chair Rhode Island
  Mary Landrieu, Regional Chair Louisiana
  Patty Murray, Regional Chair Washington
  Harry Reid Nevada
  Daniel Akaka Hawaii
  Joe Lieberman Connecticut
  Dianne Feinstein California
  Ron Wyden Oregon
  Tim Johnson South Dakota
  Bill Nelson Florida
  Tom Carper Delaware
  Barbara Mikulski Maryland
  Frank Lautenberg New Jersey
  Sherrod Brown Ohio
Senator State
  Dick Durbin, Assistant Democratic Leader Illinois
  Patty Murray, Secretary of the Conference Washington

External links

Official Senate Democratic Policy Committee Website